Traktor Pro Vs Virtual Dj


This topic contains 27 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by 6 years ago.

Traktor Pro 3.1

TRAKTOR DJ 2 was built for iPad and desktop, which means however you like to get down, you can spin your tracks with the full version of the app. TRAKTOR DJ 2 for iOS is available on the App Store, and you can get the desktop version via our site. Aug 23, 2016 traktor pro como sincronizar una musica con una pista y mezclarla en vivo en trartor - Duration: 12:03. Gabariel marquez 21,032 views. TRAKTOR Digital DJing Cutting-edge pro DJ equipment, built on the industry leading software for DJs: All-in-one DJ systems, DJ controllers, scratch systems, and more. Aug 19, 2012  Traktor vs VirtualDJ; If this is your first visit. Used both i like traktor because for some reason it feels like you have go the extra step to make things happen. Where virtual dj seems a little more user friendly, everything is right there in front of you. But ive been using virtual dj a lot more now because of my djc.4, and also the.

Oct 12, 2019  Serato certification is available on a limited range of dj hardware. Although approximately 98 devices have this. Webflow lets you build fast and fully responsive websites with your own designs and features without writing any code. You can fully build and design your website to explore. Mar 18, 2014  Second is that most controllers are built for either Serato of Traktor, granted you can find mappings for them on virtual DJ, as I did for my Mixtrack Pro II, but it’s just easier and more effective in some cases to use the software that your controller was made for. Jan 14, 2015 Virtual dj VS Traktor DJ - el arte de ser dj - Duration: 5:40. DJSPROMTY 59,556 views.


Dj Software Traktor

  • Reputation is everything. When Virtual DJ started out, sure it WAS BAD, therefore it gained a bad reputation. I use both Virtual DJ Pro and Serato. I use Serato for practice as well as for gigs because I much prefer the interface and effects etc over that of Virtual DJ. I use virtual DJ because they packed it full of features; video mixing, online streaming(if you have a shoutcast server to broadcast from) etc. However in my opinion, virtual DJ doesn’t have very good iTunes compatibility, and I dont like the interface that much. As has been said before on this forum. Software doesn’t equal skill. If you can DJ well on Virtual DJ and please an audience then it shouldn’t matter. That being said, its all nice and philosophical to say “Good DJ’s can use any equipment/software”, but practically speaking, if you plan to actually take your DJ-ing far, use one of the Big 2 (Traktor or Serato) as it will make playing in clubs, or guest gigs much easier. That’s the current trend anyways, who knows what may happen in a few years? Alot of other softwares are coming up and only getting better. It might not be a Big 2 and Medium 1 market anymore in the future 🙂

    Hope this helped 🙂

    Edited for language…

    – BoomDraw

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Terry_42.

    Just keep you finger crossed for the new VDJ 8.0, who knows it might be a game changer for everyone !

    Ready to rock your next party? Seamlessly integrated with your music library, djay allows you to mix your favorite songs and playlists. Djay 2 for iphone free online. Introducing the all-new djay: now with live music production tools, Automix AI, music visualizers, and countless new features.djay transforms your iOS device into a full-featured DJ and music production system.

    Well, without getting into the whole Traktor vs. Serato debate. I like Serato because of how the song information is presented on the virtual deck (Time elapsed, pitch, BPM etc.), the iTunes integration is wonderful and especially now with the new effects pack, you get a very wide range of High-Quality effects and tweakable parameters (Still not the extra long list of effects like in Traktor, but in my opinion, that much effects isnt necessary, but still good to have the option i guess). I also like how Serato has The Bridge, which makes integrating a live performance aspect into your set very easy if you’re an Ableton Live user(which I plan to be). I also find that the effects and filters in VDJ sound fragile/hollow, whereas the Traktor/Serato counterparts sound bery full and high-quality. This doesn’t apply to me but with Traktor and Serato you get easier DVS control which matters alot for some people. Second is that most controllers are built for either Serato of Traktor, granted you can find mappings for them on virtual DJ, as I did for my Mixtrack Pro II, but it’s just easier and more effective in some cases to use the software that your controller was made for.

    That’s my 2 cents 🙂


    I’ll offer another viewpoint now that BoomDraw has favored Serato, which is his right of course.
    I like Traktor over VDJ and Serato simply because it allows for the most things that I look for. Almost every setting of the software and the mapping can be altered. You can even change what information is shown on the bar above your track. And if you have a controller that wasn’t designed for Traktor, you can completely map it the way you want. If you can’t map yourself, there are plenty of people who have done it already for you. There is a way to use Traktor with Ableton and Maschine, and it’s pretty easy to set up as well using the midi clock. Many top notch dj’s use Traktor with Ableton or Maschine (Dubfire and Bass Kleph for instance). The only things Traktor doesn’t have that Serato does is a slicer, less responsive jogs (a must if you want to scratch using DVS for instance) and a flexible beatgrid.

    Virtual DJ has very good mapping capabilities as well, but the quantization and user interface are lacking. It looks too chaotic to me. I also don’t have a lot of experience with it, but the package is very, very capable. Don’t let anybody tell you that it is for noobs only. It’s not.

    Some stuff deleted for bad language…

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Terry_42.

    Good morning,

    I´m into djing about a year now, and found myself in exact the same situation you are.

    I first mixed only with my laptop and VDJ, but i didn´t really like the way the program could be used with the keyboard.
    So i looked new programs up and found Traktor to be the most mappable software out there. I gave the mapping thing a try, and found it to be very pleasant to have your own, unique way of playing your music.

    Apart from this (main) reason, i would advice traktor for its interface, because it´s very simple once you get into it, and you really see everything you might need. In Serato i got much more the feeling that there were plenty of things hidden in the background, so i could not really learn how to use them (maybe only personal impression, correct me if i´m wrong please). Maybe it´s just my way of approaching new things, but i like the full feature, and learn step by step afterwards, instead of starting with the smaller softwares first.

    In my opinion Traktor is much more versatile than Serato, and this is the point for me, i can really use traktor in much more ways than serato, because of the customization ability in the preferences, as Marco told before.

    For example, i bought an S2, and wanted to upgrade to 4 decks by buying an F1. Nowadays i´m finishing a mapping where my F1 is the Volume and Transportsection, with several pages, while i can easily have all my eq´s and fx´s mapped to the s2.
    During the mapping process i learned a lot about how not only the software, but also the controllers works, and rearranging all according to your play style is one of the strengths i see in traktor.

    The only weakness i really see is that nowadays, plenty controllers are made for Serato, while Traktor get´s less every day, even if this can be solved by remapping it yourself/ getting a mapping online, this will be tons of work waiting for you, before being able to use that controller right.

    Hope it helped a bit,

    To be honest. I love that Traktors users have their own language basically. They are quite right, Serato gives you something, and thats what you get, no exceptions. But different people have varying opinions on this depending on how their style of DJ-ing. Personally, for my style and the genre that I play, Serato serves me perfectly, and I dont see the need for 4 decks anyways (until I play around with 4 decks and see if I like it or if I can integrate it into my style). But that being said, i completely see why some people use Traktor, because of their workflow they NEED to be able to bend the software to the magic of their fearsome controllerism 😛 Different strokes for different folks. Play around with different softwares, find the best for your style and stick with it.

    Just know that if you plan to go far, and you take the Traktor route and learn how to juggle hot cues nd do controllerism like a pro. Please make a youtube channel and pose some live mixes with the camera on your controller because you will look infinitely cool. I love watching Traktor users perform 🙂

    However, your software doesn’t determine your level. Alot of superstar DJ’s use Serato or Traktor, maybe even Virtual DJ. And that goes for any genre.

    There are a few simple things first:

    1. Software does not make you a DJ
    ANY software can be used to DJ very good and effectively. I have seen extremely good sets played on djay with a 200 bucks controller and I have seen people fail totally with an S4 plus add ons like Maschine and Traktor setup.

    2. Everything in software depends on your workflow

    If you are a controllerist and highly keen on doing everything to your style. Then Traktor is for you.
    If you are like me, someone who likes to DJ old school but spice it up now with controllerism but still want things to work out of the box: Serato is a dream.
    If you want the highest possible customisation then VDJ is for you (yes VDJ is MORE customisable than Traktor, you just need mad skills to do it).

    Each software (VDJ, Traktor, Serato) and also Mixvibes Cross is used by professional artists and lifetime DJs.

    I myself have switched from CDJs to Traktor then to VDJ and now use Serato. With each of those software titles I have played gigs in front of thousands of people, so yes they do work.

    These are the facts.

    Now my subjective! things why I have switched to Serato:
    – Best jogwheel integration for scratching
    – iZotope effects are the best quality effects out there, yes they cost money, but they are worth it
    – Quantize mode
    – Flexible Beatgrid
    – Stacked Waveform mode
    – Colored Waveforms
    – Best iTunes integration
    – Awesome prep mode
    – External Midi Clock sync able (I use Serato sometimes with Ableton for big performances) – yes Traktor can do that too
    – Easy to map secondary controllers without a masters degree
    – Awesome support from Serato
    – Easy posting of your playlists on your Serato DJ page, including live play
    – I love slicer mode and loop rolls

    But the most important: My workflow is nicely working with Serato.

    Serato is my first choice and i never looked back, everything in Serato (for me) is user-friendly, you just plug-n-play, where in Traktor, you have to go thru the setup menu everytime, to adjust the settings (not sure why ? even tough you already did it before with the same controller)

    The interface is Serato is more easier in my eyes, no complicated menu, everything in there ready to roll, i like the way the waveform displayed in Serato, where in top of each other, make it more easier to see and mix.
    Traktor interface? its too stiff for my taste, everything all crammed out, and whats up with no automation cue beat ? In some tunes in Traktor, you have to manually “guide” it so it will pick up the first beat of the tunes, it wont done automatically for you (some said you can set it up like that in the Setup Menu, err yeah once again you have to twiddle it first to get it right, in Serato its automatically detect your first beat)

    ANd dont even try to mix a transition tunes in Traktor, it drives me mad, its more less complicated to mix that type of tunes in the CDJ environment for me instead trying to mix it in Traktor

    I agree with all that have stated that your workflow dictates your choice of software.

    I started with Traktor because it was the nr.1 software at the time (and I have never been a VDJ fan, but that was a totally subjective and personal stance!) and I didn’t like being hooked to specific hardware (VERY limited support by Serato at the time).

    Then I found out after playing a while that Traktor wasn’t for me. Several things in the workflow that didn’t work for me. Being a mobile DJ I needed more flexible beatgridding for example. Since I love my MC6000 controller (getting mk2 shortly, but mk1 then) and it wasn’t Serato supported, I ended up moving over to Mixvibes Cross. It’s been a good move. Like it a lot, great support for many, many controllers and out-of-the-box HID support for all CDJs (which comes in real handy if you play out on club gear, but want to integrate your laptop.

    Now, with the MC6000 mk2 having Serato support I am sure I will play around and see if I like it better than Cross. But I have played paid gigs with both Traktor and Cross and have no doubt I can do the same with Serato.

    So, best advice is to get your workflow mapped out, THEN decide what software you want to use to best suit that workflow.


    My tuppence:

    I started DDJing on Traktor and stuck with it when I got my uber setup mainly because switching to Serato would mean buying a soundcard that I didn’t need with Traktor. Simple economics for me, I like using Traktor however I haven’t used anything else so I’m not pretending its the best.

    Allow me to advocate for VDJ. I’ve tried the big 3 softwares and I personally choose VDJ. Serato does have great scratch quality and good itunes integration. However that same tight integration with itunes is the major issue i have with it. If you are not an itunes user then navigating to songs gets to be a chore and you can’t see all the information. I like to keep my music organized by folder so i can add and remove and move around tracks easily without a separate program which makes backing up easier. Also VDJ has key detection built in (which saves you from having to pay for another program) and i can have my track information displayed however i want it. I found traktor’s UI to be not user friendly to my workflow and the mapping not as good as what i could do with VDJ and VDJsript. As stated above it is very customizable if you take a little time to learn how to do it(no to mention skins, if you are so inclined). Also I have found VDJ to be very stable and not likely to crash after long periods of time. Some of the effects are indeed terrible but hopefully VDJ8 will fix that.

    when I go back into DJ’ing 2009 I got Djay because I did not know witch other worked on Mac. Then found out VDJ also worked on Mac I went ahead and bought it used it for about a year playing in clubs and larger venues. I was never really happy with how it was. Then made my own Skin but just wasn’t feeling it. Then I got Traktor and I knew right away it was more of what I was looking for used it for a year and I still use it for some sport gigs where I need lots of samples. 1.5 year ago I came aCross Mixvibes Cross with was a bit frustrating to begin with had lots of problem mapping my DDJ SX because I had cross opened while I edited the XML file so lost some mapping parts re mapped to do the same mistake again 😀 but for the last year it has been my software for all club gigs I bring my DDJ SX for most gigs smaller gigs I bring my X! MK2 and Z1 and clubs that have CDJ’s I only bring my laptop. As I have the DDJ SX I also tried Serato DJ every version from 1 to 1.6 and there is not one thing I like about it.

    What I like about Cross more then the other is I puts mixing songs in focus not a lot of BS and it works with almost any thinkable setup you could run into at a club. You could get any 4/4 sound card and you can use Cross with DVS


Traktor Pro Vs Virtual Dj

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