Useing Wine To Install Windows Terraria On Mac

  1. Wine is an open source program for running Windows software on non-Windows operating systems. While it’s most often used on Linux, Wine can run Windows software directly on a Mac, too–without requiring a Windows license or needing Windows running in the background.
  2. Oct 09, 2014  Though there are numerous ways of getting Windows applications to run on a Mac, this is the classic and most convenient route. It creates a wrapper, allowing you to run apps from within. Here is how you can run Windows apps on a Mac using Wine.
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  2. Using Wine To Install Windows Terraria On Mac Free
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Wine has been a long-standing open source software. It is highly popular because it aims to allow the computer programs that have been developed for Microsoft Windows to run on Mac and other Unix-based systems. Mac users have especially been using it to run Windows applications on Mac, so if you are one such user, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will be talking all about Wine and how you can download & install it on your Mac, as well as run it and use it.

May 27, 2019  Mac users have especially been using it to run Windows applications on Mac, so if you are one such user, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will be talking all about Wine and how you can download & install it on your Mac, as well as run it and use it. Use steam multiplayer. I use a Mac and friend I normally play with uses a pc. Steam multiplayer works pretty well. You have to go to your steam friend list, right-click and select join game. Sometimes you have to do the 'join game' thing more than once because the first time it just launches Terraria without joining.


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  • 1 Wine for Mac: Everything You Need to Know
    • 1.1 Installing Wine on your Mac

Wine for Mac: Everything You Need to Know

Wine is a pretty old application, first launched in 1993. It is completely free as well as legal. Even though Boot Camp is available, which allows you to install Windows on a Mac, you are required to boot up every time you want to run Windows. Wine helps you cut to the chase and run a Windows program directly.

When a program runs, it asks for resources like disk and memory space from the OS, which Wine makes sure get answered.

Wine is way better than Boot Camp or virtualization like Parallel Space, which makes it so ideal. However, there might be a slight chance that your program may not work with Wine. You will have to try to run it for that.

Let’s get Started!

Installing Wine on your Mac

To get Wine on Mac, we will first look into the system requirements, and then we will outline the steps in detail.

System Requirements

The following are the requirements of your system to install Wine for Mac:

  • macOS 10.10 (Yosemite) or above
  • Access to an Admin account, with password
  • An Internet Connection

Now that we have gone through these, let us take a look at the various steps you will be going through to install Wine for Mac.

Step 1: Installing Homebrew

Homebrew is a package manager. It facilitates the installation of open source programs, including Wine, a pretty easy task. Wine is big in size, which is why it’s better to install it.

To install Homebrew:

  • Run the Terminal
  • In the command line, type:

ruby -e $(curl -fsSL”

  • The Terminal will ask your permission, as well as ask for the password. Enter them and continue.
  • No character will be displayed while you type your password, but don’t worry the Terminal is taking the password as input.
  • Homebrew should take no more than a few minutes to install.
  • Once that is done, all you have to do type the following into the terminal and press enter:

brew doctor

  • If everything goes correctly, you should see the message ‘Your system is ready to brew’. We will proceed to the next step.

If you do get asked by the terminal to agree with the Xcode License, you can do that easily by typing the following into the terminal:

Using wine to install windows terraria on mac pc

sudo xcodebuild License

Then, just read the agreement, agree to it and proceed.

Step 2: Install XQuartz with the help of Homebrew

XQuartz is another open source program that you need to install, as in order for Wine to install properly Xquartz is needed. Homebrew allows you to very easily install this, all you have to do is enter the following command into the terminal:

brew cask install xquartz

In the above command:

  • brew refers to Homebrew
  • cask is a reference to Homebrew Cask, which installs GUI (Graphical User Interface) Application on your Mac
  • install xquartz is self-explanatory, meaning that you are installing the xquartz program on your Mac

Once the installation is complete, Terminal will pause and then wait for your next command, i.e. the next step.

Step 3: Wine Installation

Now that we have everything ready, all we have to do is install Wine on Mac. Homebrew will install it for us, just type the following in the terminal:

brew install wine

Now, Wine will be installed on your MacOS by Homebrew. That’s it!

Installing and Running Windows Programs on Mac using Wine

Now that Wine has been installed correctly, we will see how we can run Windows Programs on our Mac using Wine.

  • Get the installer file .exe
  • Keep in mind its location
  • Using cd, navigate to the directory where the installer file is being stored
  • Now, run the following command in the terminal:


where ‘$INSTALLNAME’ will be replaced by the installer file name. For example, if the installer file name is ‘fastsetup.exe’, type

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wine fastsetup.exe

You will now see the installer window, where the instructions will be self-explanatory for you to install the Windows Program.

Now, let us see how to run our Windows Program on MacOS using Wine.

  • Enter the following command in the terminal- we will be navigating to the Program Files directory:
  • cd ~/.wine/drive_c/ProgramFiles/
  • Now, navigate to your installed program’s directory among the list (which you can see using the ls command). You can navigate using the cd command. Check out any command list website to learn how to use these commands.
  • You will find the .exe file of your installed program. To run it, type the following into command prompt;

wine $program.exe

where ‘$program’ will be replaced by the name of your program, just like before.

  • Now, you will see a window pop up and your Windows Program will start running perfectly! That is how you can install and run Windows Programs using Wine.

Final Take

We hope that by reading this article you were able to install Wine on your Macbook. If you have any further queries regarding the steps mentioned in this article, you can drop us a comment below and we’ll do our best to get back to you with a relevant answer.

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i had been searching and tried many times form various sources to install and make Wine on Mac OSX, but every time i failed. i am not too much of a geek, but thing is i have not also found a proper article how to install wine on mac which explains the complete process in an easy way, i once had almost had it installed but when i tried to install softwares like MSN Live messenger, or yahoo messenger or other softwares i know something had went wrong and i was not able to runt he programs on my wine. i know you guys a good and everyday i love to read your articles and become a so called 'GEEK' lol. but i really need wine on my mac as i have windows installed thru parallels and partition also they work very fine but thing is it need lot of resources (RAM and memory) to run which makes both Mac as well as Windows slower. and i cannot enjoy using either of them. so if you guys can pin point me in right direction if you have worked on it before or maybe make a new article with proper and easy to understand instructions it would be great!!!

jazkohli, have you tried here



But I'll ask the simplest question. Why WINE?
It might sound like a little investment, but do it. Either dual-boot your Mac with Windows, or install Windows in a VM, such as Parallels Desktop (google it). Works great in both cases. EDIT: Just re-read your post. Which softwares are you trying to run? Windows Live Messenger should have a Mac version, and if not, you can use an alternative, such as Pidgin, which has a Mac version.

If you need full utilization of resources, install Windows using Boot Camp, and dual boot your Mac with Windows.

thanks guys, i gave up wine and i tried Parallels desktop 7 but then finally resorted to VMWare Fusion, much better software. i installed windows xp on it just keep windows lighter, and stop it using so much of my resources when using both at same time.

@ hatryst thanks but the softwares which you are talking about like live messenger for MAC is a pieces of crap, it keeps crashing, doesn't support offline messageing, and many other cool features are missing, more over i have better alternative to live messenger like trillian or palringo. they are all free and available in appstore. more over only for these software i won't be installing windows, its mostly my work softwares like for accounting or managing warehousing etc. they all do not have MAC versions, and moreover in my office i am the only one with MAC, so can't change to any other alternative also.

Thanks anyways guys, but installing wine is really very hard, and i think its not worth your time, better resort to other alternatives like Parallels desktop or VMWare Fusion, for some reason i prefer VMWare Fusion as parallels desktop need to be updated regularly with each MAC major software update. happened to me when i updated from Snow Leopard to Lion and mind it it was paid update from parallels desktop, but then i found VMWare and it did not needed to be purchased again when i updated from Lion to Mountain Lion.

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